

  1. Name of Department: Botany
  1. Year of Establishment: 1962
  1. Introduction: The Department of Botany was established with the establishment of the Solapur College Solapur in 1962. The Department runs U.G. and Ph.D. Research Centre of PAH Solapur University, Solapur. Department also has Herbarium Centre (WCAS Herbaria).
  2. Teaching Staff:
Sr. No. Name of Faculty Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1. Dr. S.P. Gaikwad Full Time Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.A.A.T. 16 Years
2. Dr. R.D. Gore Full Time Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.A.A.T. 04 Years
  1. Non-teaching Staff:
Sr. No. Name of Staff Designation Qualifications Date of Joining the College
1. Mr. A.R. Kassa Lab. Attendant S.S.C. 01-09-2004
2. Mr. R.R. Pandhare Lab. Attendant S.S.C. 01-09-2004
  1. Facilities: Two well equipped laboratories, Computer with internet facilities.
  1. Courses Offered:
B.Sc. I and II with CBCS Pattern Ph.D. in Botany
  1. Result Analysis (B.Sc. II): Last Five Years
Class Academic Year Number of Students Appeared for Examinations Passing Percentage
B.Sc. II 2015-16 35 90.66
B.Sc. II 2016-17 32 89.11
B.Sc. II 2017-18 32 92.40
B.Sc. II 2018-19 37 90.05
B.Sc. II 2019-20 33 -
  1. Meritorious Students (B.Sc.): Last Five Years
Sr. No. Year Course Names of the Students Percentage
1 2015-16 B.Sc. I B.Sc. II Miss. Shinde Arpita Mr. Bhandari Abhishek A. 96.00% 90.66 %
2 2016-17 B.Sc. I B.Sc. II Mr. Adake Kartik K. Miss Shillar Rogaiyya B. 91.20% 89.11%
3 2017-18 B.Sc. I B.Sc. II Miss. Bakale Mayuri  R. Mr. Adake Kartik K. 93.05% 92.40%
4 2018-19 B.Sc.I B.Sc. II Miss. Adam Lawanya R. Miss. Bakale Mayuri  R. 85.40% 90.05%
  1. Research by Faculty:
Name of Faculty Books Published Major Research Projects Research Paper Presentations Ph.D. Guidance
Dr. S.P. Gaikwad 02 01 (19,20000/-) 03 03 (Awarded)
Dr. R.D. Gore 01 01 03 --
  1. Papers Published by Faculty: Total
Sr.No. Name of Faculty Number of Papers Published
1. Dr. S.P. Gaikwad 13
2. Dr. R.D. Gore 13
  1. Activities of Department: Last Five Years
Sr. No. Name of Activity Date of Activity Funding Agency Beneficiaries
1. Organization of One Day Exhibition of Medicinal  Plants 3rd Oct.  2015 Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur Teachers, Students and Local peoples
  1. Consultancy: Free consultancy is carried out by the faculty of the Department in the following areas:
  2. Plant Identification
  3. Herbarium confirmations
  4. Proof reading for research papers
  5. Micro photography
  1. Social and Extension Work of Faculty:
  • A herbarium is a repository of authentically identified dried plant specimens. In many ways it is similar to a library, but the information is stored in biological form rather than in book form.
  • Our College Herbaria is indexed in Index Herbariorum and accredited as WCSH by New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY and linked with William Lynda Steer Herbarium. (
  • Voucher specimens of more than 1500 flowering plants are  deposited in our Herbarium. They are representing 80% flowering plants of drought prone region of Maharashtra.
  • Herbarium centre provides plant identification services free of cost to stakeholder like research scholars of Botany, pharmacy students, students of Ayurved college, students of Biotechnology etc.
  1. Students’ Achievements: Last Five Years
Name of Student Achievements
Miss. Dhone Sumedha Miss. Sarane Neha Ø  Participated in seven days Workshop on ‘Disaster management’ organized by VG Shivdare College, Solapur
  1. SWOC Analysis:
Strength : Faculties have expertise in Taxonomy of flowering plants. Well equipped and spacious laboratory.
Opportunity :
Weakness : Nonavailability of  B.Sc. (Botany) and M.Sc. (Botany) program.
Challenges : To develop enthusiasm and interest among students about plant sciences in the era of computer.
  1. Future Plans:
1. To initiate UG programme and PG programme in Botany
2. To establish e-herbaria.
3. Publication of New Titles.
Sample Description
Sample Description