Political Science

Political Science

  1. Name of Department: Political Science
  1. Year of Establishment: 1962
  1. Introduction: The Department of Political Science was established with the establishment of the College in 1962. The Department runs U.G. and Research Centre PAH Solapur University, Solapur.
  2. Teaching Staff:
Sr. No. Name of Faculty Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1. Dr.S.N. Salawade M.A., SET, Ph.D.     Professor Political Science 23
2. Dr.S.J. Neela M.A.,SET, Ph.D. Associate Professor Political Science 19
  1. Non-teaching Staff: NA
Sr. No. Name of Staff Designation Qualifications Date of Joining the College
  1. Facilities:
  1. Courses Offered: BA Political Science CBCS Pattern
Research Centre in Political Science
  1. Result Analysis (BA): Last Five Years
Class Academic Year Number of Students Appeared for Examinations Passing Percentage
BA 2015-16 31 72.41%
BA 2016-17 48 70%
BA 2017-18 48 97.91%
BA 2018-19 34 79.41%
BA 2019-20 33 93.93%
  1. Meritorious Students (BA): Last Five Years
Sr. No. Year Name of Students Percentage
1. 2015-16 Misss.Birajdar Laxmi Cidanand -. 70.61%
2. 2016-17 Shri. Nishant Digamber Sheral - 80.97%
3. 2017-18 Miss. Rathod Kaveri Govind - 77.08 %
4. 2018-19 Shri. Gaikwad Nikhil Suhas 76.89 %
5. 2019-20 Miss. Patel Muskan Jilani 80.44 %  2896/3600
  1. Research by Faculty:
Name of Faculty Books Published Minor Research Projects SIM Writing Paper Presentations Ph.D. Guidance
Dr.S.N. Salawade 03 01 15 03
Dr.S.J. Neela 02 01 -- 24 --
  1. Papers Published by Faculty: Total
Sr.No. Name of Faculty Number of Papers Published
1. Dr.S.N. Salawade 15
2. Dr.S.J. Neela 21
  1. Activities of Department: Last Five Years
Sr. No. Name of Activity Date of Activity Funding Agency Beneficiaries
1. One Day National Seminar on “Contemporary Issues and Challenges In Social Sciences” 9th February 2018 UGC Sponsored Under CPE Scheme Teachers and Students
2. One Day Regional Seminar on “Constitutional Government and Democracy in India” 8th  February 2020 PAH Solapur University, Solapur Teachers and Students
  1. Consultancy: Free consultancy is carried out by the faculty of the Department in the following areas:
  2. Leadership Development
  3. Policy Making
  4. Skill Development
  5. Social and Extension Work of Faculty:
Dr. Salawade S. N. :
  • Government Nominee member of Grahak Savrakshan Committee
  • Delivered lecturer on national integration, Secularism and Democracy in various colleges and society
Dr. Neela S. J.
  • Guided the students for the competitive exam.
  • Delivered lecturer on SET, NET Work Shop, Voting Awareness,
  • Delivered lecturer on Time Management  in ZP Officers Work Shop
  • Organized Good Government Day
  • A P J Abdul Kalams Birth Day Wachan v Prerna Day  
  1. Students’ Achievements: Last Five Years
Name of Student Achievements
Miss. Tejasvini Ranshungare Ø  NET-2014,  SET- 2016
Dr. Mahesh Shirapurkar Ø  Ph.D in Savitribai phule Pune Uni. Pune
  1. Student Support and Progression: Last Five Years
Academic Year Number of Students going for PG Programme
2015-16 10
2016-17 12
2017-18 05
2018-19 10
2019-20 --
  1. Campus Placement and Recruitment: Last Five Years
Sr. No. Name of Student Name of the Firm/Industry/Company
1. Archana Dipak Jatkar Appointed As Civil Judge
2. Mujabil Mujavr Appointed as Labor Officer
3 Samarth  Durge Appointment as  Computer Operator  Tata Consultancy Centre, Hyderabad
4 Kedar Zambare Appointment as Assistant Teacher in Modern College, Pune
  1. SWOC Analysis:
Strengths Ø  1) Qualified and experienced faculty Ø   2) Availability of CECC
Weaknesses Ø  1) Lack of research orientation among students Ø   2) Lack of skill-based syllabus
Opportunities Ø  1)  Field Work for Students Ø  2) Training students for job opportunities through competitive   examinations
Challenges Ø  1) To initiate Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Study Centre Ø  2) To establish Mahatma Gandhi  Study Centre
  1. Future Plans:
1. To organize conferences and seminars in recent trends in Political Science
2. To start a certificate course in ‘Certificate Course of Leadership and Development ’
Sample Description
Sample Description