

  1. Name of Department: Economics
  1. Year of Establishment: 1962
  1. Introduction: The Department of Economics was established with the establishment of the College in 1962. The Department runs U.G. and P.G. Courses (1980) and a Research Centre (2015).
  2. Teaching Staff:
Sr. No. Name of Faculty Nature of Appointment Designation Qualifications Teaching Experience
1. Dr. Sangram D. Chavan Full Time Professor and Head MA, B.Ed, M.Phil., MSW, Ph.D. 29 Years
2. Mr. Parmeshwar B. Kamle C.H.B. Assistant Professor M.A., SET, NET, 05 Years
3. Dr Mrs.Deepali S. Patil C.H.B. Assistant Professor M.A., Ph.D. 02 Years
4. Mr. Ramnath S. More Full Time Assistant Professor M.A., SET, NET, 10 Years
5. Dr. Shrikant J. Hotkar Full Time Assistant Professor MA, B.Ed, M.Phil., NET, Ph.D. 04 Years
  1. Non-teaching Staff: NA
Sr. No. Name of Staff Designation Qualifications Date of Joining the College
  1. Facilities: -                      
  1. Courses Offered:
BA Economics CBCS Pattern MA Economics CBCS Pattern Research Centre in Economics
  1. Result Analysis (BA): Last Five Years
Class Academic Year Number of Students Appeared for Examinations Passing Percentage
BA 2015-16 58 58.62%
BA 2016-17 47 71.51%
BA 2017-18 48 75.00%
BA 2018-19 32 93.75%
BA 2019-20 33 100.00%
  1. Meritorious Students (BA): Last Five Years
Sr. No. Year Name of Students Percentage
1. 2015-16 Mr. Lonokar Vinayak Prakash 66.61%
2. 2016-17 Mr. Kanjeri Amar Arjun 83.36%
3. 2017-18 Miss Pawar Rutuja Balchandra 81.36%
4. 2018-19 Miss.Gadekar Sangeeta Shivaji 84.31%
5. 2019-20 Mr. Farnandis Morence Robert 83.89%
  1. Result Analysis (MA): Last Five Years
Class Academic Year Number of Students Appeared for Examinations Passing Percentage
MA 2015-16 51 73.46 %
MA 2016-17 53 64.28 %
MA 2017-18 50 68.42 %
MA 2018-19 52 51.17 %
MA 2019-20 45 93.18 %
  1. Meritorious Students (MA): Last Five Years
Sr. No. Year Name of Students Percentage Remark
1. 2015-16 Miss. Birajdar Tejaswini Bhimray 66.25 %
2. 2016-17 Miss.Jadhav Ashwini Subhash 84.06 % 1st in University
3. 2017-18 Miss. Gotsurve Vanita Nagnath 72.69 % 2nd in University
4. 2018-19 Mr. Kanjeri Amar Arjun 77.19 %

1st in University

5. 2019-20 Miss. Bansode Sonal Narsinh 85.13 %
  1. Research by Faculty:
Name of Faculty Books Published Minor Research Projects SIM Writing Paper Presentations Ph.D. Guidance
Dr. Sangram D. Chavan - - - 02 05
Mr. Parmeshwar B. Kamle - - - 03 -
Dr Mrs.Deepali S. Patil 01 - - 04 -
Mr. Ramnath S. More - - - 02 -
Dr. Shrikant J. Hotkar - - - 09 -
  1. Papers Published by Faculty: Total
Sr.No. Name of Faculty Number of Papers Published
1. Dr. Sangram D. Chavan 10
2. Mr. Parmeshwar B. Kamle 03
3. Dr Mrs.Deepali S. Patil 06
4. Mr. Ramnath S. More 02
5. Dr. Shrikant J. Hotkar 09
  1. Activities of Department: Last Five Years
Sr. No. Name of Activity Date of Activity Funding Agency Beneficiaries
1. 14TH Annual Conference of Solapur Vidyapeeth Arthshastra Parishad 2018-19 Sunday 10th Feb. 2019 Solapur Vidyapeeth Arthshastra Parishad Teachers and Students
2. Workshop for NET/SET 2016-17 Saturday 07th Jan. 2017 Self Funded Teachers and Students
3. Annual P.G. Students’ Seminar Every Year Self-funded Students
  1. Consultancy: Free consultancy is carried out by the faculty of the Department in the following areas:
  2. Competitive Exams
  3. Career opportunities
  4. Social and Extension Work of Faculty:
  • Sangram Chavan has delivered several lectures on socio-economic issues
  • Sangram Chavan has participated in different socio-economic activities
  • Shrikant Hotkar has participated in different socio-economic activities
  • Ramnath More has participated in different socio-economic activities
  1. Students’ Achievements: Last Five Years
Name of Student Achievements
Mr. Anand Salve Ø  Students of the Research Centre got “BANRF-2018 Fellowship
Miss. Reshma Jadhav Ø  Students of the Research Centre got “BANRF-2018 Fellowship
Miss. Rutuja Bansode Ø  Students of the Research Centre got “BANRF-2018 Fellowship
 Dr. Vitthal Vhanbindge Ø  PhD Awarded
 Dr. Shrikant Hotkar Ø  PhD Awarded
 Dr. Avinash Jamma Ø  PhD Awarded
Miss. Rutuja Bansode Ø  1st Prize in Research Paper Presentation
Mr. Anand Salve Ø  1st Prize in Research Paper Presentation
  1. Student Support and Progression: Last Five Years
Academic Year Number of Students going for PG Programme
2015-16 14
2016-17 16
2017-18 25
2018-19 17
2019-20 --
  1. Campus Placement and Recruitment: Last Five Years
Sr. No. Name of Student Name of the Firm/Industry/ Company
1. Miss.Gaiyatri Kodam Ø  TCS (Campus Placement)
2. Mr. Durgappa Pawar Ø  Tahshildar at Umarga
3. Mr. Vitthal Vhanbindge Ø  Associate Professor at Chh. Shivaji Night College, Solapur.
4. Mr. Sonavne Avinash Ø  Assistant Professor at Sangmeshwar Night College. Solapur.
5. Mr. Anand Salve Ø  Assistant Professor at DBF Dayanand College, Solapur.
6. Miss. Aishwarya Limbole Ø  LLB
7. Miss. Vandana Waghe Ø  Forest Ranger at Karjat
8. Miss. Nikhil Tele Ø  Police constable
  1. SWOC Analysis:
Strengths Ø  Well Qualified and Experienced Staff Ø   Research Center for PhD Ø   Higher Rate of Students Enrollment
Weaknesses Ø  Poor Family Background of the Students Ø  Multilingual Students
Opportunities Ø  Field Work and Survey for the Students Ø  Small Research Projects for the Students
Challenges Ø  To Introduce English Language as a Medium of instruction for UG and PG
  1. Future Plans:
1. To Introduce New Career Oriented Courses
2. Up-gradation of Syllabus According to the Needs of Present Time
3. To Provide More Practical and Field Oriented Knowledge to the Students
Sample Description
Sample Description