

Library Information

Library Department is well computerized   unit with LIBMAN   Software Nagpur.  Acquisition and Cataloguing, Circulation, OPAC, MIS reports, Serial control all application are done in this LIBMAN Software Library Department made attempts to upgrade and update the library.

  • New titles, text books, reference books, periodicals, journals and magazines are added to enrich the library.
  • Separate provision of Departmental libraries other than the central Library.
This is the homepage of Library website having link to all activities in department. Student access this website and related information.

Library Staff

Sr. No Name Designation Qualification
1 Dr Mrs  V.S. Gavali Librarian M.Lib &Inf.Sci, SET, Ph.D
2 Mr R V Kasturkar Asst. Librarian M A,M.Lib &Inf.Sci,M .Phil
3 Mr A J Deodhare Library Professional Assistant B Com, M.Lib &Inf.Sci
4 Mr B N Kuge Library Professional Assistant M.A,M.Ed,M.Lib &Inf.Sci
5 Mr N B Dhudhalwar Library Jr Clerk HSC,LTC
6 Mrs D R Shah Library Clerk B A,Blib&i Sc
7 Mr V C Supekar Library Clerk B Com,LTC,GDC
8 Mr A M Supate Library  Assistant B.Com,M.Lib &Inf.Sci
9 Mrs M R Karade Library  Assistant M A, M.Lib &Inf.Sci
10 Mr A M Awashank Library Attendant HSC, LTC
11 Mr M N Kale Library Attendant IX
12 Smt S B Shinde Library Attendant IX
13 Mr V N Kadam Library Attendant IX
14 Mr Kore S S Library Attendant HSC, LTC, MSCIT
15 Mr K P Shete Library Attendant B A , LTC,MSCIT
16 Mr Y P Patil Library Attendant BA,B.Lib

Library Collection:-Library has a collection of more than 1 lakh books, journals,manuscripts, and rare books.Book are categorized as text books and reference books.Students ,research scholars, teachers, and other library members can borrow books from library

Total Books Collection

Sr No Section Total Books
1 Senior Section 73465
2 Junior Section 22869
3 MSW Section 8528
4 Journals /Magazine 51
5 Manuscripts 219
6 CD/DVD 154
7 Newspaper 18
8 E journals 6000
9 E books 3135000

E Resources:-

Free e-books and e-journals are available online just click on the given link

  1. NLIST:-https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/
  1. DOAJ :- https://doaj.org/
  2. DOAB :-https://www.doabooks.org/
  3. DOAR :-https://www.doar.com/
  4. SOSIG :-http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue/2/sosig/
  5. Coachrane  Library :-https://www.cochranelibrary.com/
  6. Vidyanidhi :- https://www.vidyanidhi.org.in/
  7. e Pathashala :- https://epathshala.nic.in/
  8. Vidwan:- https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/
  9. Shodhganga :-https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
  10. Shodhsindhu:-https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/
  11. Jstore :-https://www.jstor.org/
  12. World e Book Library :- http://www.worldebooklibrary.org/
  13. org:-http://www.granthalaya.org/
  14. Braile Books :-http://www.braillebookstore.com/Braille-Bookstore
  15. स्पर्धा परीक्षा पुस्तके pdf  :-https://goo.gl/nrJSGF
  16. लोकराज्य मासिके pdf :- https://goo.gl/GtWZocI
UGC Approved Journals List:  https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/apps1/home/index Competative Examintion : http://upscfever.com/upsc-fever/index.html 
Library Services
  1. Book Bank Services
  2. Current Awareness Services
  3. Newspaper Clipping Services
  4. Internet Services
  5. Inter library Services
  6. Previous Question Papers
Library Committee  Members:-    
Sr No Name  
1 Dr S. V. Koti Principal (Chairman)
2 Dr Mrs V.S. Gavali Librarian( Convener)
3 Dr M.P.Joshi Member
4 Dr R.V.Hippargi Member
5 Dr C.S..Chavan Member
6 Dr S.B. Jagdale  Member
7 Mr C.H. Godale  Member
8 Mr S.K.Sarsamkar Member